New Participant Process

Below are steps and guidelines to assist new participants to enter New Zealand's Wholesale Electricity Market.

  • Register with the Electricity Authority
  • Apply to Electricity Authority for a unique participant identifier
  • Complete NZX Participant and Contact Forms
  • Fulfill 'AML' compliance requirements under Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Financing of Terrorism Act 2009
  • Meet with NZX Energy Operations, contact and
  • Organise appropriate prudential and security arrangements, this includes a 'Letter of Credit' and/or 'Security Deed'
  • Receive RECON, WITS, CLEARING credentials
  • Supply estimated usage data to the Clearing Manager
  • Understand your code obligations and market, invoice and settlement processes
  • Receive market start date

AML Checklist and AML Information Guidance

NZX MOSP Introductory Pack